Dynamics 365

Friday, April 18, 2014

CRM 2011 - Hide or Disable Button from ribbon

CRM 2011   Hide or Disable Button from ribbon



Here are the steps

  • Create a new solution.
  • Add the contact entity to the solution. Do not include any required components or dependent components to the solution.
  • Export the solution and unzip the solution file.
  • Open the customizations file and look for “<RibbonDiffXml>” tag.
  • Replace the <CustomActions /> with
  <HideCustomAction Location="Mscrm.SubGrid.contact.AddExistingAssoc" HideActionId="Mscrm.SubGrid.contact.AddExistingAssoc.HideAction" />
  <HideCustomAction Location="Mscrm.SubGrid.contact.AddExistingStandard" HideActionId="Mscrm.SubGrid.contact.AddExistingStandard.HideAction" />
  • Save the file.
  • Replace the customizaions.xml file in your zip solution with this file.
  • Import the solution and publish the changes.
Note: Replace the highlighted "contact” text with your entity name. It can be “opportunity” or a custom entity like “new_entity” etc.


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