Dynamics 365

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Capitalize First String Character of a word in Text Field of Dynamics CRM 2011

 Capitalize First String Character of a word in Text Field of Dynamics CRM 2011
So, One of the Post in LinkedIn asking if anyone can help with a Script that can Capitalize First String Character of a word in Text Field of Dynamics CRM 2011.

For eg. If i have a custom Full Name Field or Address filed. If User enters like 1107 medowville lane,
The script should automatically converts it to Pascal Casing like, 1107 Medowville Lane.

I thought to give it a try and here is the full functional code.

function ConvertFirstCharToCaps()
var attribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_address"); // Change the Schema Name here

if(attribute != null)

var str = attribute.getValue();
    var pieces = str.split(" ");
    for ( var i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++ )
        var j = pieces[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase();
        pieces[i] = j + pieces[i].substr(1);

Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_address").setValue(pieces.join(' '));


It can be converted to Parametrized Function, but here i am just giving an idea how this code can work on each field.

Hope this will help, Please change the Attribute name as per your Attribute Schema Name.


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