Dynamics 365

Showing posts with label Refresh sub grid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Refresh sub grid. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

SubGrid Refresh or SubGrid Attach even usig Java Script

 below peice of code to refresh the subgrid.
function SubGridLoadWait() {
    setTimeout(OnAccountFormLoad, 3000);

function OnAccountFormLoad() {
    //Set Action on subgrid Refresh
    var subGrid = document.getElementById("SuspectGrid");
    //if(subGrid) {
    subGrid.attachEvent("onrefresh", getPrimaryRows);

    //SubGrid.attachEvent("onrefresh", CallbackFunction);



//This function fires on subgrid refresh

function getPrimaryRows() {
    var isPrimaryYes = false;
    var isPrimaryNo = false;
    var gridControl = document.getElementById('SuspectGrid').control;
    var ids = gridControl.get_allRecordIds();
    for (i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {

        var primary = gridControl.getCellValue('new_isprimarysuspect', ids[i]);
        if (primary=="Yes") {
            isPrimaryYes = true;
        else if(primary=="No"){
            isPrimaryNo = true;
    if (isPrimaryYes) {

//        alert("Primary Suspect checked");
    else if (isPrimaryNo) {
      //  alert("Primary Suspect unchecked");