Dynamics 365

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Dynamics 365 - condition to check owner is team or user while send email

In dynamics 365 while sending emails on assigning Case or any other entity record  Required to send an email to user. here We may assign case to team initially and then to user manually . CRM may not send email to team . It can send email to user., so in work flow we need to check for the whether owner is team or user .

we can check using below condition as shown in below figure.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Multiple SLAs in Dynamics 365 for Work Order entity

Multiple SLAs in Dynamics 365 for Work Order Entity

This post will explain how to create multiple SLAs with SLA items

Requirment: Need to have 2 SLAs with different time lines and different conditions.

Solution: we can create 2 SLAs and only once can make default(only default SLA will effect on entity) , But we can acheieve this by adding two lookup fields to SLA KPI Instance entity.

Enitity: Work Order

ATE       SLA 1       SLA 2
CAT 1 2 Working days    3 Working days
CAT 2 2 Working days   4 Working days
CAT 3 2 Working days   5 Working days
CAT 4 2 Working days   8 Working days
CAT 5 2 Working days  14 Working days

Here we enable SLA on work order entity as shown below

Screenshot of Enable SLA on Work Order

and create 2 Look up fields to SLA KPI Instance entity

new Lookup 1 on work order entity for SLA1 (name it SLA1 for better understanding )

new Lookup field on work order entity for SLA2 (name it SLA2 for better understanding )

Now add SLA in ( Settings ==> Service Management ==> Service Level Aggrements)

On Applicable From  select on which Date field you need to apply SLA .

Now add SLA Items for SLA
for SLA 1 work order category : any category(CAT1,2,3,4,5) , Fail: 2 working days
Applicable on first assignment date contains data and category of any type(so not choosing any category)

SLA KPI is SLA1 we created previousely as SLA KPI Instance.

Add SLA Failure condition and Warning  Condition.

SLA 2:
Add SLA 2 item for  category 1 - failire time is 3 days

failure is 3 days means 9 hours X 3 which means 27 Hours (1.13 days)

If we set for 27 hours ,it will calculate set to 1.13 days automatically as below

Now test this.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Reading data from Microsoft Excel sheet using C#.net code

<script data-ad-client="ca-pub-7202621014932746" async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>

Below code will help you to reading data rows from excel sheet and fetch data from CRM .

Reading data from Microsoft Excel sheet using C#.net code 

sample excel data

//Name space need to use
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

public void ReadInvoiceFromExcelAndUpdate()
            Excel.Application xlApp = new Excel.Application();
            Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(@"C:\MyData\Sample.xlsx");
                AppLogger logger = new AppLogger();
                Excel.Worksheet xlWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkbook.Sheets[1];
                Excel.Range xlRange = (Excel.Range)xlWorksheet.UsedRange;
                int rowCount = xlRange.Rows.Count;
                int colCount = xlRange.Columns.Count;
// Excel rows count will start form 1 , not from zero (0) ,  1 will be header
                for (int i = 2; i <= rowCount; i++)

                    string invoieID = ((Excel.Range)xlWorksheet.Cells[i, 1]).Value;
                    if (invoieID != null)

            catch (Exception ex)
                string err = ex.Message;


                //quit and release


//Fetch invoice data from CRM
public void UpdateInvoiceFromExcel(string invoiceID)

                QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression("invoice")
                    ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("name", "statuscode", "statecode"),


                qe.Criteria.AddCondition("invoicenumber", ConditionOperator.Equal, invoiceID);

                var result = _CrmService.RetrieveMultiple(qe);
                if (result.Entities != null && result.Entities.Count > 0)

                    int invoiceStatusValue = result.Entities[0].GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("statuscode").Value;
                    int invoiceStateValue = result.Entities[0].GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("statecode").Value;
                    Guid _invoiceID = result.Entities[0].Id;
                    if (invoiceStatusValue == 100001 && invoiceStateValue == 2)
                        SetStateRequest request = new SetStateRequest()
                            EntityMoniker = new EntityReference
                                Id = _invoiceID,
                                LogicalName = "invoice",
                            State = new OptionSetValue(0),
                            Status = new OptionSetValue(1),


                        // end set invoice active

                        Entity invoiceToUpdate = new Entity("invoice");
                        invoiceToUpdate.Id = result.Entities[0].Id;

                        invoiceToUpdate["new_issend"] = true; //has_issend //new_issend

                        // set back invoice status

                        SetStateRequest invocieRequest = new SetStateRequest()
                            EntityMoniker = new EntityReference
                                Id = _invoiceID,
                                LogicalName = "invoice",
                            State = new OptionSetValue(invoiceStateValue), // State = new OptionSetValue(2),
                            Status = new OptionSetValue(invoiceStatusValue), //Status = new OptionSetValue(100001),


                        Entity invoiceToUpdate = new Entity("invoice");
                        invoiceToUpdate.Id = _invoiceID;

                        invoiceToUpdate["new_issend"] = true;

            catch (Exception ex)

                // log.Error(ex);

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Dynamics 365 make invoice active and Paid using C#.net code or plugin

Dynamics 365 make invoice active and Paid using C#.net code or plugin

                foreach (var item in ERPInvoices.Entities)
// Set active
                    SetStateRequest setStateRequest = new SetStateRequest()
                        EntityMoniker = new EntityReference
                            Id = new Guid(item["invoiceid"].ToString()),
                            LogicalName = "invoice",
                        State = new OptionSetValue(0),

                        Status = new OptionSetValue(1)


                  // Update the field

                    Entity invoiceToUpdate = new Entity("invoice");
                    invoiceToUpdate.Id = item.Id;
                    if (issendfullyerp)
                        invoiceToUpdate.Attributes["has_issendfullyerp"] = true;
                    if (issendpartiallyerp)
                        invoiceToUpdate.Attributes["has_issendpartiallyerp"] = true;
//set abck paid - to old status
                    SetStateRequest request = new SetStateRequest()
                        EntityMoniker = new EntityReference
                            Id = new Guid(item["invoiceid"].ToString()),
                            LogicalName = "invoice",
                        State = new OptionSetValue(2),
                        Status = new OptionSetValue(100001),



Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Field Service WoodFord Resco Mobile App On save validation - Make mandatory

Field Service WoodFord Resco Mobile App On save validation - Make mandatory

Dnamics 365 field services WoordFord design - Make a field mandatory on save event.

make ATE Number mandatory on save event eventhough user not changed any data.

Normally if you open existing record on mobile app where one field should be madatory before proceed with save where same field is not mandatory or business required on CRM.

in this case we can follow below steps to make any field mandatory on save..

OnLoad Event
Open On Load event of form and keep condition you required - then update any field (modified on) so on save event will make sure field mandatory.

OnSave Event

to check the condition we should use Entity.FieldName  

Use error message insted of form.field name.error message

Monday, May 28, 2018

MS CRM get break duration time from business calendar

innerCalendar entitycollection  will have 2 entities
1 is business hours 
2nd one is break 

//with entity[1].attributes["duration"] will get break duration.

//temp code
                Entity BCalendar = GetCalendar(calendarGuid);

                EntityCollection calendarRules = BCalendar.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(CalendarColumnNames.CalendarRules);
                var firstRulePattern = calendarRules[0].GetAttributeValue<string>(CalendarColumnNames.Pattern);

                Guid innerCalendarId = calendarRules[0].GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>(CalendarColumnNames.InnerCalendarId).Id;
                Entity innerCalendar = service.Retrieve(CalendarColumnNames.EntityName, innerCalendarId, new ColumnSet(true));
                EntityCollection innnerCalendarRule = innerCalendar.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(CalendarColumnNames.CalendarRules);
                var duration = 0;
                var offset = 0;
                var BreakDuration = 0;
                BreakDuration = innerCalendar.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(CalendarColumnNames.CalendarRules).Entities[1].GetAttributeValue<int>(CalendarColumnNames.Duration);
                duration = innerCalendar.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(CalendarColumnNames.CalendarRules).Entities[0].GetAttributeValue<int>(CalendarColumnNames.Duration);
                offset = innerCalendar.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(CalendarColumnNames.CalendarRules).Entities[0].GetAttributeValue<int>(CalendarColumnNames.Offset);
                // temp code

Calculate business hours using Business calendar - complex methods

using System;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Vrp.Crm.Base.Handler;
using Vrp.Crm.Base.Tracing;
using Vrp.Crm.Base.Logging;
using dyn.Common.Handler;
using dyn.CaseManagement.Common;
using dyn.Base.Scheduling;
using dyn.CaseManagement.Business.Objects;
using PluginStage = dyn.Base.Handler.PluginStage;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;

namespace dyn.CaseManagement
    public class IncidentResolutionsProcessorPluginExecutor : PluginExecutor
        public IncidentResolutionsProcessorPluginExecutor(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IPluginExecutionContext pluginExecutionContext, ITracingService crmTracing, string userId, IOrganizationService service, Tracer tracer)
            : base(serviceProvider, pluginExecutionContext, crmTracing, userId, service, tracer)

        public override void Execute()
                var context = pluginExecutionContext;
                tracer.AddInfo(string.Format("{0} - {1}", CaseManagementConstants.Module, context.MessageName));

                Entity targetEntity = PluginHelper.GetEntityFromContext(context);

                if (context.Stage == PluginStage.PreOperation)
                    if (targetEntity == null)

                    CaseHandler caseHandler = new CaseHandler(service, userId, CaseManagementConstants.Module);

                    Guid incidentId = Guid.Empty;

                    if (targetEntity.Attributes.Contains(IncidentResolutionEntityAttributeNames.RegardingIncidentIdFieldName))
                        EntityReference entityReference = targetEntity.Attributes[IncidentResolutionEntityAttributeNames.RegardingIncidentIdFieldName] as EntityReference;
                        if (entityReference != null && entityReference.LogicalName == IncidentEntityAttributeNames.EntityName)
                            incidentId = entityReference.Id;

                    if (incidentId != Guid.Empty)
                        Entity caseEntity = new Entity
                            Id = incidentId,
                            LogicalName = IncidentEntityAttributeNames.EntityName

                        if (caseEntity != null)
                            //get Case Configuration Case resolution Duration 24x7 or business hours

                            bool isDurationTypeBusinessHours =  GetCaseProcessConfigResolutionDuration(caseHandler, caseEntity.Id.ToString());
                            if (ValidateCaseResolution(caseHandler, incidentId.ToString()))
                                string subject = String.Empty;
                                string description = String.Empty;

                                //Get resolution Subject
                                if (
                                    subject =

                                //Get resolution Description
                                if (targetEntity.Attributes.Contains(
                                    targetEntity.Attributes[IncidentResolutionEntityAttributeNames.DescriptionFieldName] !=
                                    description =

                                //Set Resolution Subject on Case Entity
                                if (

                                //Subject is mandatory field so no need to check for empty or null

                                //Set Resolution description on Case Entity
                                if (


                                if (

                                //var resolutionDuration =CrmTypesHelper.GetIntValue(targetEntity, IncidentResolutionEntityAttributeNames.TimeSpentFieldName);
                                //caseEntity.Attributes.Add(IncidentEntityAttributeNames.ResolutionDurationFieldName, resolutionDuration + " Minutes");
                                TimeSpan ts;
                                if (isDurationTypeBusinessHours)
                                    ts = CalculateCaseresolutionDuration(caseHandler, incidentId.ToString());

                                    ts = DateTime.UtcNow - GetCaseCreatedOnDateTime(caseHandler, incidentId.ToString());
                                var resolutionDuration = string.Format("{0:%d} days, {0:%h} hours, {0:%m} minutes, {0:%s} seconds", ts);

                                caseEntity.Attributes.Add(IncidentEntityAttributeNames.ResolutionDurationFieldName, resolutionDuration);

            catch (Exception e)
                ExceptionHelper.LogException(e, userId, CaseManagementConstants.Module, "Error occured", service);
                tracer.AddError("Error occured in Case Management, Change Category Task Generator Plugin" + e.Message);

        public DateTime GetCaseCreatedOnDateTime(CaseHandler caseHandler, string incidentId)
            var caseEntity = caseHandler.GetCaseById(incidentId, new[]

            var result = CrmTypesHelper.GetDateTimeValue(caseEntity, IncidentEntityAttributeNames.CreatedOnFieldName);

            return result;
        public bool GetCaseProcessConfigResolutionDuration(CaseHandler caseHandler, string incidentId)
            TimeManager TimeManager = new TimeManager(service, tracer, userId, CaseManagementConstants.Module);
            bool result = false;
                var caseEntity = caseHandler.GetCaseById(incidentId, new[]

                var ConfigID = CrmTypesHelper.GetEntityReferenceId(caseEntity, IncidentEntityAttributeNames.ProcessConfigurationIdFieldName);
                ProcessTaskConfigurationHandler caseProcessHandler = new ProcessTaskConfigurationHandler(service, userId, CaseManagementConstants.Module);

                Entity caseProcessConfig = caseProcessHandler.GetCaseProcessConfigurationById(ConfigID);
                if (caseProcessConfig.Attributes.Contains(CaseProcessConfigurationEntityAttributeNames.CaseResolutionDuration))
                    if (((OptionSetValue)caseProcessConfig[CaseProcessConfigurationEntityAttributeNames.CaseResolutionDuration]).Value == 2)
                        result = true; // Business Hours
            catch (Exception e)
                ExceptionHelper.LogException(e, userId, CaseManagementConstants.Module, "Error occured", service);
                tracer.AddError("Error occured in Case Management, GetCaseProcessConfigResolutionDuration:" + e.Message);
            return result;
        public TimeSpan CalculateCaseresolutionDuration(CaseHandler caseHandler, string incidentId)
            TimeSpan BusinessHoursDuration;
            var workingDays = new List<DayOfWeek>();
                TimeManager TimeManager = new TimeManager(service, tracer, userId, CaseManagementConstants.Module);
                var caseEntity = caseHandler.GetCaseById(incidentId, new[]

                var ConfigID = CrmTypesHelper.GetEntityReferenceId(caseEntity, IncidentEntityAttributeNames.ProcessConfigurationIdFieldName);
                var OwnerID = CrmTypesHelper.GetEntityReferenceId(caseEntity, IncidentEntityAttributeNames.OwnerIdFieldName);
                Guid OwnerGuid = new Guid(OwnerID);
                Guid ConfigGUID = new Guid(ConfigID);

                SLAConfigObject slaConfig = new SLAConfigObject(service, userId, CaseManagementConstants.Module, tracer);

                SLAObject sla = slaConfig.GetCaseProcessConfigurationSLAbyConfigId(ConfigGUID, Guid.Empty, OwnerGuid);

                var entitlementGuid = CrmTypesHelper.GetEntityReferenceId(caseEntity,

                Guid calendarGuid = TimeManager.GetCalendarFromSLA(sla.SLAId);

                Entity BCalendar = GetCalendar(calendarGuid);

                EntityCollection calendarRules = BCalendar.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(CalendarColumnNames.CalendarRules);
                var firstRulePattern = calendarRules[0].GetAttributeValue<string>(CalendarColumnNames.Pattern);

                Guid innerCalendarId = calendarRules[0].GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>(CalendarColumnNames.InnerCalendarId).Id;
                Entity innerCalendar = service.Retrieve(CalendarColumnNames.EntityName, innerCalendarId, new ColumnSet(true));
                EntityCollection innnerCalendarRule = innerCalendar.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(CalendarColumnNames.CalendarRules);
                var duration = 0;
                var offset = 0;

                duration = innerCalendar.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(CalendarColumnNames.CalendarRules).Entities[0].GetAttributeValue<int>(CalendarColumnNames.Duration);
                offset = innerCalendar.GetAttributeValue<EntityCollection>(CalendarColumnNames.CalendarRules).Entities[0].GetAttributeValue<int>(CalendarColumnNames.Offset);

                DateTime CaseCreateTime = GetCaseCreatedOnDateTime(caseHandler, incidentId.ToString());
                var ResolutionDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                List<TimeSlot> timeSlots = TimeManager.GetAvailableTimeSlotsForCalendar(calendarGuid, CaseCreateTime, DateTime.UtcNow);
                double totalSpanSeconds = 0;
                foreach (var slot in timeSlots)
                    double slotSpan = 0;
                    if (CaseCreateTime > slot.End)
                        slotSpan = 0;
                    else if (CaseCreateTime > slot.Start && ResolutionDate < slot.End)
                        slotSpan = (ResolutionDate - CaseCreateTime).TotalSeconds;
                    else if (CaseCreateTime > slot.Start && CaseCreateTime < slot.End && ResolutionDate > slot.End)
                        slotSpan = (slot.End - CaseCreateTime).TotalSeconds;
                    else if (ResolutionDate > slot.Start && ResolutionDate < slot.End)
                        slotSpan = (ResolutionDate - slot.Start).TotalSeconds;
                        slotSpan = (slot.End - slot.Start).TotalSeconds;

                    totalSpanSeconds += slotSpan;

                TimeSpan TotalDuration = DateTime.UtcNow - CaseCreateTime;

                workingDays = GetPatternDays(firstRulePattern);

                List<Day> workingHours = BuildWorkingHoursFromPattern(workingDays, offset, offset + duration);

                var timeBetween = new Duration(CaseCreateTime, DateTime.UtcNow);
                double responseTime = Math.Round(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeBetween.GetTotalMinutes()).TotalHours, 2);

                BusinessHoursDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, Convert.ToInt32(totalSpanSeconds));
                var resolutionDuration = string.Format("{0:%d} days, {0:%h} hours, {0:%m} minutes, {0:%s} seconds", BusinessHoursDuration);

            catch (Exception e)
                ExceptionHelper.LogException(e, userId, CaseManagementConstants.Module, "Error occured", service);
                tracer.AddError("Error occured in Case Management, CalculateCaseresolutionDuration:" + e.Message);
            return BusinessHoursDuration;
        private Entity GetCalendar(Guid calendarId)
            ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(true);

            return service.Retrieve(CalendarColumnNames.EntityName, calendarId, cols);
        internal static List<DayOfWeek> GetPatternDays(string pattern)
            var days = new List<DayOfWeek>();

            string split = Array.Find(pattern.Split(';'), s => s.Contains("BYDAY"));
            int index = split.IndexOf("BYDAY=");
            string[] daysStr = split.ToString().Remove(index, 6).Split(',');
            if (daysStr.Length > 0)
                var dayMappings = BuildDayMapping();

                foreach (var day in daysStr)
                    if (dayMappings.ContainsKey(day))

            return days.Count > 0 ? days : null;
        static Dictionary<string, DayOfWeek> BuildDayMapping()
            Dictionary<string, DayOfWeek> dayMapping = new Dictionary<string, DayOfWeek>(7);
            dayMapping.Add("MO", DayOfWeek.Monday);
            dayMapping.Add("TU", DayOfWeek.Tuesday);
            dayMapping.Add("WE", DayOfWeek.Wednesday);
            dayMapping.Add("TH", DayOfWeek.Thursday);
            dayMapping.Add("FR", DayOfWeek.Friday);
            dayMapping.Add("SA", DayOfWeek.Saturday);
            dayMapping.Add("SU", DayOfWeek.Sunday);

            return dayMapping;
        internal static List<Day> BuildWorkingHoursFromPattern(List<DayOfWeek> days, int start, int end)
            var workingDays = new List<Day>(7);
            var weekDays = BuildWeekDays();

            foreach (var day in days)
                workingDays.Add(new Day(day, start, end));

            foreach (var weekDay in weekDays)
                if (!days.Contains(weekDay))
                    // Add an empty Day with no minutes.
                    workingDays.Add(new Day(weekDay));

            return workingDays;
        static List<DayOfWeek> BuildWeekDays()
            return new List<DayOfWeek>() {
            DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Tuesday, DayOfWeek.Wednesday,
            DayOfWeek.Thursday, DayOfWeek.Friday, DayOfWeek.Saturday, DayOfWeek.Sunday };
        public bool ValidateCaseResolution(CaseHandler caseHandler, string incidentId)
            bool result = false;

            if (caseHandler != null)
                var caseEntityCheck = caseHandler.GetCaseById(incidentId, new[]

                var caseSubType = CrmTypesHelper.GetOptionSetValue(caseEntityCheck,
                if (caseSubType != 1) // Not equal to Customer Information Update
                    var resolutionSubject = CrmTypesHelper.GetStringValue(caseEntityCheck,
                    if (resolutionSubject == CaseManagementConstants.SubjectAutoResolved)
                        return true;

                    var errMsg = "";
                    var satisfaction = CrmTypesHelper.GetOptionSetValue(caseEntityCheck,
                    if (satisfaction == 0)
                        errMsg = errMsg + @"Please select customer Satisfaction. \n";

                    var rootCause = CrmTypesHelper.GetEntityReferenceName(caseEntityCheck,
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rootCause))
                        errMsg = errMsg + @"Please select Root Cause. \n";

                    var rootCauseDesc = CrmTypesHelper.GetStringValue(caseEntityCheck,
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rootCauseDesc))
                        errMsg = errMsg + @"Please select Root Cause Description. \n";

                    var inFavorOf = CrmTypesHelper.GetOptionSetValue(caseEntityCheck,
                    if (inFavorOf == 0)
                        errMsg = errMsg + @"Please select In Favor Of. \n";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errMsg))
                        throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(errMsg);
                        result = true;

            return result;
    //Murthy BEGIN - CALCULATE DUration
    sealed class CalendarColumnNames
        public const string EntityName = "calendar";
        public const string HolidayScheduleCalendar = "holidayschedulecalendarid";
        public const string CalendarRules = "calendarrules";
        public const string CalendarId = "calendarid";
        public const string InnerCalendarId = "innercalendarid";
        public const string Pattern = "pattern";
        public const string Duration = "duration";
        public const string Offset = "offset";
    public sealed class Minute
        public int Index;

        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor for <see cref="Minute"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The minute's offset from midnight in minutes
        /// e.g. a <see cref="Index"/> of 60 would represent the minute at 01:00am for a <see cref="Day"/>.</param>
        public Minute(int index)
            Index = index;
    public sealed class Day
        public DayOfWeek DayOfWeek;
        public int DayOfMonth;
        public int Month;
        public int Year;
        public List<Minute> Minutes;
        public TimeSpan WorkingHours;

        public Day(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek)
            DayOfWeek = dayOfWeek;
            Minutes = new List<Minute>();
        public Day(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, int start = 0, int end = 1440)
            DayOfWeek = dayOfWeek;
            SetMinutes(start, end);
        public Day(DateTime dateTime, int start = 0, int end = 1440)
            DayOfWeek = dateTime.DayOfWeek;
            DayOfMonth = dateTime.Day;
            Month = dateTime.Month;
            Year = dateTime.Year;

            SetMinutes(start, end);
        public Day(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, int day, int month, int year)
            DayOfWeek = dayOfWeek;
            DayOfMonth = day;
            Month = month;
            Year = year;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises the minutes in a day, either using an offset for start and end
        /// or setting all 1440 minutes (default).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">Offset from midnight in minutes.</param>
        /// <param name="end">Offset from midnight in minutes.</param>
        void SetMinutes(int start = 0, int end = 1440)
            var minutes = new List<Minute>(1440);
            for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                minutes.Add(new Minute(i));
            Minutes = minutes;
        public bool IsSameDate(DateTime dt)
            bool isSameDate = false;
            DateTime thisDay = new DateTime(this.Year, this.Month, this.DayOfMonth);

            if (dt != null)
                isSameDate = dt.Date == thisDay.Date;

            return isSameDate;
    public sealed class Duration
        public List<Day> Days;
        public DateTime Start;
        public DateTime End;

        public Duration(List<Day> days)
            Days = days;
        public Duration(DateTime start, DateTime end)
            Start = start;
            End = end;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get sum total of all minutes of all days within the <see cref="Duration"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetTotalMinutes()
            int count = 0;

            foreach (var day in Days)
                count += day.Minutes.Count;

            return count;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises <see cref="Days"/>.
        /// Begins with <see cref="Start"/>, ends with <see cref="End"/> and initialises all days between the two.
        /// </summary>
        void SetDays()
            var daysInBetween = (End - Start).Days;
            Days = new List<Day>(daysInBetween);

            var dayOfWeek = Convert.ToInt16(Start.DayOfWeek);
            Days.Add(new Day(Start, Convert.ToInt16(Start.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes)));

            for (int i = 0; i < daysInBetween; i++)
                var nextDate = Start.AddDays(i + 1);

                if (nextDate.Date != End.Date)
                    Days.Add(new Day(nextDate.DayOfWeek, nextDate.Day, nextDate.Month, nextDate.Year));

            Days.Add(new Day(End, 0, Convert.ToInt16(End.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes)));

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets <see cref="Start"/> equal to the smaller value of <see cref="Start"/> and <see cref="End"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inverted">Outputs true if <see cref="Start"/> and <see cref="End"/> has to be swapped, otherwise false.</param>
        //void SetStartDate(out bool inverted)
        //    inverted = false;

        //    if (Start > End)
        //    {
        //        Helpers.Common.Swap(ref Start, ref End);
        //        inverted = true;
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes all minutes from the <see cref="Duration"/> which are not included in <paramref name="businessHours"/> parameter
        /// i.e. are not considered 'working' minutes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="businessHours">Representation of minutes in days which are working minutes e.g. 09:00 - 17:00.</param>
        public void RemoveNonWorkingMinutes(List<Day> businessHours)
            var startMinutes = Start.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes;
            var endMinutes = End.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes;

            if (Start.Date == End.Date && Days.Count == 2)

            foreach (var day in Days)
                   var businessDay = businessHours.Find(x => x.DayOfWeek == day.DayOfWeek);
                var minutesToRemove = new List<Minute>();

                foreach (var minute in day.Minutes)
                    if (businessDay.Minutes.FindAll(m => m.Index == minute.Index).Count <= 0)

                    if (day.IsSameDate(Start))
                        if (minute.Index < startMinutes)

                        else if (day.IsSameDate(End))
                            if (minute.Index >= endMinutes)

                foreach (var minuteToRemove in minutesToRemove)
                    catch { continue; } // Lazy. Expecting IndexOutOfBounds..
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